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Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

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Welcome to Hecot S.A.


+30 (210) 6715453




Our primary service is to act as purchase agents of famous international cotton firms who are taking a position on our crop.


In this respect apart from being just a broker, we are on a daily basis in contact with our clients sharing information, advising and always aiming to find the best possible and reliable proposal to any inquiry. In addition, we follow up all shipments through our operation department in terms of documentation, shipments, payments and quality applied. Regarding shipping forwarding, as we always target at competitive rates, we have selected to cooperate with two shipping forwarders who are very much experienced in exports.

Please find below a list of international merchants represented by Hecot S.A.:

Hecot S.A. has a long tradition in cooperating with most recognized Japanese buyers through our partner Plenty Harvest (Osaka, Japan). Regarding Greek suppliers we have selected to concentrate in few ginning firms, leaders of our sector and controlling about 80% of our crop, who are reliable and have proved several times their commitment to our channels.

Please find below a list of our suppliers:


Our suppliers are of course the same ginning firms while our clients are most of the times big trading companies who are selling the cotton seed to end users (crushing mills). Hecot S.A. is exporting cotton seed to Japanese market through TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION. In addition, we are supplying cotton seed to the Middle East markets as well as to Morocco.



Hecot’s entry into the durum wheat sector was initiated in 2010 by the so-called fight for acreage between cotton and wheat. As our strategy is to expand our business operations and act whenever opportunities arise, we have decided to diversify by entering the durum wheat sector. In this initial step we have focused on bringing together reliable suppliers & buyers of the domestic market.

Successfully, we supply the biggest pasta producer in the Balkans (Melissa-Kikizas/ Melissa.gr) and the biggest milling company in Greece (Loulis Mills/ https://www.loulismills.gr/en). Being an export-oriented company our next target is to develop similar business channels overseas. Our suppliers are big and sophisticated players of our agricultural market who are taking serious positions on durum wheat.
